Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Design Project Presentations -

22.211 Design Project "Showcase"

When: Friday, December 13, 2013
           12:00 - 1:30 PM

Where: Cumnock Hall Auditorium


All design teams should be represented and as many team members as possible should be present.

You should plan on arriving at the Auditorium a little before noon and you should set up your "display" on one of the tables that will have been set-up for this purpose.

Your "display" should include your project and whatever other objects you may need to describe/demonstrate how it works (or how it should/will work once all the parts are finally fabricated or after you work out a redesign, etc...)

You "display" should also include some "literature" about your project and your team. This literature can be in whatever form your team thinks is most appropriate for your project - but it must include a hard copy that you can turn in at the end of the event. Your "team literature" should list the name of your project and the names of the team members who worked on the project.

Students have asked what format they should use.... I am being purposely vague. You folks have been working on the project and thus you know best what are the interesting aspects of it that you might like to describe to the casual observer who is browsing by your table.

Why?... This is an opportunity for all of you who have participated in this project to see what cool designs your fellow students have come up with and for you to be able to show them what you ended up with. I am hoping that you take the time to look over all the projects and talk with the other teams to learn about there great ideas and also their crushing failures. As I said at the beginning of this endeavor - some of these projects may not work (or may not work as you intended), but this is okay - because this is the beginning of the design process - not the end...

Looking forward to seeing most of you on Friday...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

H-Bridge Information

I have provided some teams with h-bridges for their projects - I also have five more available...

The link to the actual part is here...

Here is a link to a nice tutorial that explains how to use this device...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Design Project Parts Fabrication Update

Getting your parts

Jackie Paradise will be out tomorrow (Monday 12/09/13). The parts that have been fabricated will be available in Perry 311 from 10AM - 4PM tomorrow.

Laser Cut Parts

All parts that were submitted to be laser cut (as of 12/04/13) have been processed.

3D Printed Parts

The images below show the parts that have been printed. Some of these were printed over the weekend and will need to be placed in the cleaning tank to remove the support material and will not be available until sometime on Tuesday.

The 3D printer in Plastics is going to be unavailable for the next couple of days, because it needs to be used to generate parts for a final course project for one of the Plastics Engineering design courses. If you have parts that you need, I will try my best to get them printed, but I can make no promises at this point...

Part Rework

It is inevitable that some of the parts that you have requested will not fit quite right. Your first course of action is to see if you can rework any of the parts by hand - for instance, filing a part down if the fit is too tight, or wrapping tape around a part if the fit is too loose.

If there is a critical part that you need to fabricated please submit it too me and I will see if it is possible. It is very likely that I will be able to get some more parts laser cut, but the same cannot be said for 3D printed parts.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Design Project Presentation - MOVED TO FRIDAY Dec 13th

I realized today that there wasn't going to be enough time to get all the parts fabricated by the end of the week. As a result, I have decided to move the date of the design presentations from Monday Dec 9th to Friday Dec 13th from noon to 1:30 PM.

I still need to arrange for a location - when I have this finalized, I will post the information to the blog.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Part Fabrication Update

Pick-Up Location

When the parts are ready they can be picked up in the ME Conference Room. This is located in the main ME Department office.

Also available in this location are the Lego connectors, screws and quick connectors mentioned in a previous post that I purchased from McMaster Carr.

Please make sure that you only take the parts that belong to you. I left some parts in the lab for pick-up before Thanksgiving and some items "disappeared..."

The following pictures shows the layout in the conference room.

 Laser Cut Parts

All parts should be dimensioned in IPS units, have an identifier on it and be either 0.125 or 0.25" thick. Also the part must fit within an 11" x 23" envelope.

The following images show the parts that have been laser cut or that were scheduled to be cut this afternoon. These are images of the files that were used to create the cutting paths for the laser cutter. Each image is 11" x 23". This gives a buffer region of 0.5".

The procedure for creating the images is as follows:

  1. Create an 11" x 23" base-plate part in SolidWorks
  2. Create an assembly of the parts to be cut. This is done by creating a mate constraint between the base-plate and the individual components. The components are then dragged into place. Extra parallel constraints are added as needed to properly align the parts. 
  3. A SolidWorks drawing is then created of the assembly using a custom drawing sheet size of 11" x 23" and the drawing scale is set 1:1.
  4. The resulting file is then saved as a DXF file which is the preferred format for the laser-cutter driver program.

 1/8" Thick Acrylic

 1/4" Thick Acrylic

Monday, December 2, 2013

IMPORTANT - Design Project Presentation

See updated post (12/04/13)

22.201 Design Project Presentation 

Cumnock Hall
Monday December 9th
4:30-6:00 PM

I have reserved Cumnock hall for next Monday afternoon to give all of you the opportunity to present your design projects to each other and to the faculty and students of the College of Engineering.

I would like to request that all design teams attend this event. You will have table space to present both your design and your written project description.

I will have a limited number of 9V power supplies that can be used to power the Arduino boards, but I have not arranged for extension cords or power strips

Each group should be represented and you should bring your projects - it is possible that some projects will still be in the process of being constructed, so you should bring what you have and have enough information on your write-up sheets to be able to explain what the finished project will look like and what it will "do".

I will send a reminder about the event on Sunday evening.