Monday, September 30, 2013

Grades check has been posted

Grade update as of 09/27/13

I have uploaded a locked Excel spreadsheet to the google drive. This spreadsheet contains the grades that have been recorded for 
  • Pre-Lab 1
  • Pre-Lab 2
  • Pre-Lab 3
  • Quiz 1
  • Quiz 2
  • SolidWorks mini-project 1
Please review the grades and send an email to your TA if you come across an error or have a question. The TA's are
  • Christie Bielmeier
    • Sections 804, 805, 806
  • Pengtao (Peter) Wang
    • Sections 801, 803, 808
  • Kevin Truong
    • Sections 802, 807, 809

A number of students have made mistakes sending in their quizzes and their quiz grades are listed as QNF (quiz not found). At the present time, the TA's are looking through the email directories in an effort to locate these misplaced quizzes.

I have included in the spreadsheet a calculation of each student's current grade in the class - the results (see below) are not encouraging.

I would normally expect that most students would have either an A or B grade in this course. To find that 53% of the class presently have a C or lower does not bode well for the rest of the semester.

So...shall we get to work???

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