Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Course Email - Aug 20th

This is an email sent out to those students who were registered for the class on Aug 20, 2013

Hi -

You are receiving this email because you are registered for ME Design Lab I (22.201) for the Fall 2013 semester.

I am writing to provide you with a brief overview of the class and details about the required course materials.

Course Overview

The course will cover four main topics:
  1. Solid modeling using the SolidWorks package
  2. Rapid prototyping using both a 3D printer and a 2D laser cutter
  3. Sensors and motor control using the Arduino development board
  4. The process of design
The overall idea of the class is to provide you with the skills to:
  • Develop an idea/concept/solution
  • Design a "machine" based on the "idea" 
  • Fabricate the parts for the machine
  • Provide the machine with the ability to interact with its environment
Sounds awesome - doesn't it???

Course Materials

The following items are required for participation in the class. And one of them is free!!!
  • SolidWorks 2013 - FREE - You will be provided with instructions on how to download a version of SolidWorks that will be identical to the software used in the labs. The software runs on the Windows operating system. If you own a Mac you will need to use BootCamp to install and run the software.
  • SolidProfessor $50 - This is a one year subscription to the SolidProfessor instructional site. This site contains over 300 hrs of high quality video tutorials and other instructional materials. This will allow you to learn the software package at your own pace (well - kinda your own pace... you can go faster than the class, not slower...) and also provides you with access to many advanced topics that we will not have a chance to cover during the course. There are two purchasing options:
    • Online through the SolidProfessor site - recommended. 
    • Through the bookstore (only a good idea if you have a bookstore voucher.)
  • Sparkfun Inventors Kit - $99.95 - This is a neat kit that contains an Arduino development board and an assortment of sensors, motors, LED's and other components. The attached photo shows my kit -  I am using it control a stepper motor! You can either purchase this item from Sparkfun (www.sparkfun.com) or directly from the bookstore. I would recommend that you buy it from the bookstore - its cheaper because you don't have to pay shipping.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

See you in a couple of weeks...

Inline image 2

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