Tuesday, October 8, 2013

This week's assignment and some reminders about next week..

Lab 5 - Project Challenge

Assigned: During week of Lab 5
Due:         At the beginning of Lab 6

The challenge work for this week has three parts...

Part 1: Create a solid model and generate a 2D multiview drawing of the object.
Part 2: Create an assembly that contains a compound gear train and perform a motion analysis on it
Part 3: Create a circuit using the Arduino board that will control the Servo motor using the potentiometer over three user selected ranges

The complete description of the assignment along with all required parts and sample code can be accessed from the Google Drive. 

Schedule changes for next week...

There is no lecture next week

Sections 804 and 806 meet on Wednesday instead of Monday
Sections 801, 803, 807 have lab as usual on Tuesday
Sections 805, 808 do not meet next week (Lab 6 for these two sections is during the week of 10/21)
Sections 802, 809 have lab as usual on Thursday

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