Sunday, October 20, 2013

Lab Schedule reminder and Quiz 1 Retest

For the next couple of weeks the Wednesday Lab sections 805 and 808 are a week behind the other sections - this week these two sections are doing Lab 6. The other nine lab sections are doing Lab 7.

For Lab 7

You may have noticed that there was not a formal Pre-Lab this week. This was intentional - you should have used the time to get yourselves up to speed on the Arduino material.
  • The will be a quiz this week. The quiz will require you to use construction geometry and constraints during the creation of the part.
  • During the quiz the TA's will go around the lab checking your Arduino circuit.
    • You should print out a copy of the code that you are using and include your name and section number in the comments.
    • The comments should also describe what your circuit does.
  • The rest of the lab this week will consist of work with the Arduino boards. 
For Lab 6

You should have completed Pre-Lab 6 and have completed all parts of Lab 5 Challenge
  • You should have your drawing ready to hand in to the TA.
  • You should have your assembly ready to show the TA. NOTE: That you should create a folder that contains both the assembly and all the parts used in the assembly - if you don't do this your assembly will not work correctly. You can also use the "Pack and Go" feature in the file drop down menu. Either way you should test that your assembly works in the lab sometime prior to when you need to show it to the TA for a grade.
  • You should also have your Arduino circuit completed. If you are having trouble with the code you should at least have the circuit completed and have tested that the individual components work.
Quiz 1 retest

There will be a quiz 1 "do over" offered this week. The quiz will cover the same material as was covered in the original quiz. You may want to review the Pre-Lab 1 material. The quiz will take place on Tuesday (10/22/13) and will be offered at two times: 6PM and 10 PM. The quiz has been designed such that you can take it either in one of the ME labs or at home on your own PC/laptop if you have SolidWorks installed. The instructions are as follows:
  1. The retake is optional and the highest score that you can receive is a 90%. If you choose to take the quiz, the quiz grade will replace your current grade.
  2. It is up to you whether you take the quiz at 6 PM or 10 PM.
  3. At the specified quiz time of your choice you should open the Quiz 1 Retake folder on the Google Drive. There will be a number of subfolders, you should open the folder that corresponds to the last digit of your student ID number.
  4. You will be asked to create a part. The part will have dimensions that need to be varied based on you student ID number.
  5. You will also need to name the part using the following convention lastname_firstname_80x_q1retake where the x corresponds to your particular lab section number.
  6. You will need to email the part file to
  7. Quizzes that are submitted with the wrong name or to the wrong email address will not be graded.
  8. The quizzes will be graded and a quiz grade sheet will be returned to you during you lab session that meets during the week of 10/28. 

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