Tuesday, September 3, 2013

SolidProfessor Pre-Lab 1


Once you have obtained a subscription to SolidProfessor - it may take about 12 hours before I get a chance to add you to the Group 22.201 that I have created for the course. When you log on after you are added to the group, you should land on your "Home" tab and your screen should be similar to this...

Each week I will add a new Pre-Lab assignment that you are expected to complete before the corresponding lab. So... you all need to complete Pre-Lab 1 before your first lab meeting next week. This first Pre-Lab consists of a number of video tutorials and exercises that should make you familiar with the SolidWorks interface and introduce you to the fundamental concepts of sketching and extrusions.

The full courses tab allows you to access all the SolidProfessor tutorial materials and you should feel free to move on ahead of the class and explore at will.

The figure below shows the contents of Pre-Lab 1. You can access all of this material from under the "Full Courses" tab under the 2013 SolidWorks 101 - Academic course heading.

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