Sunday, September 8, 2013

Solid Professor Problems...

Hi All -

I was just contacted by a student who informed me that he signed up for a SolidProfessor subscription but he is not able to "see" the 22.201 assignments and I do not "see" him on my administrative site.

If you think that this might also be happening to you - please contact SolidProfessor directly using the link at the bottom of the attached PDF.

In the meantime - make sure that you complete Pre-Lab 1 before this week's lab, so that you are fully prepared for the quiz.

You can see what sections of SolidProfessor you need to cover here:

If you have had problems installing SolidWorks on your personal laptop/pc please use a lab computer to go through the exercises. I have contacted SolidWorks academic support to get some help for those with these issues. i will forward that information when I receive it.

A copy of this email has also been posted to the blog.

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