Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sparkfun Update, Lecture Optimization and Fritzing...


I called Sparkfun today to check on the status on the next (and final) shipment of Arduino kits. When I spoke to the customer service representative, I learned that Sparkfun is located in Boulder, CO. You may have heard that they have had a bit of rain in the past week...

Well - their Boulder facility had to close for four days due to the flooding and they fell a bit behind schedule. The UML order is a priority item for them and the order will ship overnight on Monday, so the remainder of the boards should be in by mid-afternoon on Tuesday.

Fingers crossed!!


In order to accommodate the 180+ students in 22.201, there are two lecture sections - one on Monday at 10:00 AM (-201) and the other on Wednesday at 10:00 AM (-202).

In a perfect world the students that attend the Monday lecture would then attend the lab sections that meet on Monday (-804, -806) and Tuesday (-801, -807, -803) and the students who attend the Wednesday lecture would then attend the lab sections that meet on Wednesday (-805, -808) and Thursday (-802, -809). But of course we don't live in a perfect world...

However...we can make it a little bit better by allowing you to attend the lecture session that will maximize your lab experience. So if you attend a Monday or Tuesday lab and are scheduled for the Wednesday lecture, please feel free to attend the Monday lecture if it fits into your schedule. And likewise if you attend a Wednesday or Thursday lab, feel free to attend the Wednesday lecture.

If you wish to do this, there is no need to make it "official" by switching sections in ISIS. Just show up....


Many of the following posts that deal with the Arduino board will contain images created using the open-source program called Fritzing.

It is a great program for documenting your projects and providing you the necessary tools to create custom PCB's (printed circuit boards) that are based on your designs. I recommend that you check it out at


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