Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Course Syllabus

22.201                                     Mechanical Design Lab 1                               Fall 2013









Lecture Sections

Lab Sections


Daniel J. Sullivan, PhD

Perry Hall 328

201, 202

802, 804, 805, 809


Lawrence Thompson, PhD

Perry Hall 328


801, 803, 806, 807, 808





Office hours:

As posted by instructor






Course Blog:





Required Course Materials

Subscription to SolidProfessor (see blog for details)

Sparkfun Inventor’s Kit (see blog for details)







Completion of Pre-Labs




Lab Quizzes




SolidWorks mini-projects




Arduino mini-projects




Group Design Project




SolidWorks Final Exam













94% - 100%


80% - 82%


66% - 69%                 




90% - 93%


76% - 79%


60% - 65%




86% - 89%


73% - 75%


< 60%




83% - 85%


70% - 72%





Lecture Topics:


Lecture 1

Course Overview
Introduction to “Makers”, Resources


Lecture 2

Arduino Introduction

Hand drawing: free sketching, using a straightedge, isometric projections)


Lecture 3

Arduino Tutorials / Arduino Libraries / The C programming language

Hand drawing: orthographic projections


Lecture 4

Introduction to rapid prototyping
3D printing, laser cutting, CNC routers, STL files, feature resolution, use in industry


Lecture 5

Topics in circuits: Digital input and output, Using a microcontroller to read analog input, Pulsed width modulation, Pull-up and pull-down resistors, Ohms law, batteries 


Lecture 6

The Group Design Project




Lecture 7

Communicating with a skilled machinist. Creation of a basic 2D machine drawing

Title block, Revision block


Lecture 8

Creating motion: DC motor, servo motors, stepper motors, brushless electric motors


Lecture 9

Dimensioning standards and best practices, ASME dimensioning codes
Dimensioning of holes, thread callouts


Lecture 10

Engineering Notes, Engineering Change Notices


Lecture 11

Tolerance considerations

Dollar cost of over specifying tolerances

Tolerance stack-up calculations

Machining set-ups / dollar cost of a machined part


Lecture 12

Professional Societies

Overview and sign-up for both ASME and SAE


SolidProfessor Pre-Labs

Each lab session has an associated Pre-Lab assignment that consists of a specified set of material from the SolidProfessor site. You are expected to complete all of the Pre-Lab with a focus on learning and becoming competent in the concepts and techniques that are introduced in the video tutorials. Each Pre-lab includes a set of exercises that you are expected to complete. These exercises will not be collected.

Most Pre-labs will have supplemental materials in the form of extra modeling suggestions that you can use to gain more practice in the concepts covered in the Pre-lab. These materials will be located under the Assignment Add-ons tab in the Solid Professor interface.

The Pre-lab grade is based upon your completion of the Pre-lab. The percentage of each Pre-lab that is completed is available to the course instructors through a SolidProfessor reporting tool. The Pre-lab grade is “all or nothing” – you must complete the entire Pre-lab assignment prior to your weekly lab meeting for you to receive any credit for this work.

The Pre-labs will include materials from the SolidProfessor SolidWorks 2013 Course List the primary modules to be covered are:

·         2013 SolidWorks 101 – Academic

·         2013 Core Concepts

·         2013 Drawings

·         2013 Advanced Parts

Arduino Pre-Labs

The Sparkfun Inventor’s kit includes a Guide book that contains 15 exercises. Prior to each lab session you will be assigned one or more of these exercises to complete. You will also be assigned a number of video tutorials to watch. This Pre-lab information will be listed on the course blog.

Lab Quizzes

Each lab session will begin with a short quiz that allows you to demonstrate competency in the concepts and techniques that have been introduced in the Pre-Lab. This will typically include both a SolidWorks exercise and some questions that cover the Arduino topics.





Most lab sessions will introduce mini-projects that are meant to provide you with a means to expand your ability to both create solid models and use a microcontroller. These projects will also provide you with the ability to create a physical object using a 3D printer. Some of these mini-projects will be individual efforts and some will be collaborative. 

Group Design Project

The group design project is an opportunity to work in a team environment to design, build and test a device. The device will be designed in SolidWorks, contain parts that have been 3D printed (and possibly laser-cut) and be designed to interact with its environment via sensors and actuators.








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