Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Design Project Presentations -

22.211 Design Project "Showcase"

When: Friday, December 13, 2013
           12:00 - 1:30 PM

Where: Cumnock Hall Auditorium


All design teams should be represented and as many team members as possible should be present.

You should plan on arriving at the Auditorium a little before noon and you should set up your "display" on one of the tables that will have been set-up for this purpose.

Your "display" should include your project and whatever other objects you may need to describe/demonstrate how it works (or how it should/will work once all the parts are finally fabricated or after you work out a redesign, etc...)

You "display" should also include some "literature" about your project and your team. This literature can be in whatever form your team thinks is most appropriate for your project - but it must include a hard copy that you can turn in at the end of the event. Your "team literature" should list the name of your project and the names of the team members who worked on the project.

Students have asked what format they should use.... I am being purposely vague. You folks have been working on the project and thus you know best what are the interesting aspects of it that you might like to describe to the casual observer who is browsing by your table.

Why?... This is an opportunity for all of you who have participated in this project to see what cool designs your fellow students have come up with and for you to be able to show them what you ended up with. I am hoping that you take the time to look over all the projects and talk with the other teams to learn about there great ideas and also their crushing failures. As I said at the beginning of this endeavor - some of these projects may not work (or may not work as you intended), but this is okay - because this is the beginning of the design process - not the end...

Looking forward to seeing most of you on Friday...

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