Monday, November 11, 2013

Next Lab Challenge...

Since the labs are a bit out of sequence, please read this carefully....

Lab Sections 805 and 806 have Lab 9 this week. 

  • Assignment is in this blog post
  • In lab you will need to choose your design project teams and begin working on the project.

Assignment Due at the beginning of Lab 10

  • This assignment is due this week (11/15) for sections 802 and 809
  • This assignment is due next week for sections 801, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808 
Part 1 - Construct SolidWorks models of the following three objects.

Object A:  Use IPS. Any line that is between grid lines take to be 0.5 units.

Object B: Create object from the multiview drawing

Object C: Create this part by beginning with a 1.16" thick circular "blank" that has a diameter of 4.36". Use a pattern(s) to form the through hole features. Use a reference plane to create one of the 8 degree surfaces and then use the mirror command to form the other 8 degree surface.

Part 2 - Create the following Arduino mini-project

LCD Screen 
  1. Build and test the LCD setup of circuit 15 of the SIK
  2. Use the set-up to explore the 10 Arduino Examples listed under File -> Examples -> LiquidCrystal
  3. For demonstration in the lab do the following:
    • Add a green and red led to the breadboard and a pushbutton
    • Create a code that switches the color of the led whenever the button is pressed (note that you will want to use a software debounce function. You may find it useful to review this blog post.
    • Have the LCD screen display the following:
      • Color of LED that is ON
      • Number of times button has been pushed
      • Number of seconds that the board has been running the program.

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